‘Let me keep company always with those who say ‘look’ and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads’ Mary Oliver
Why am I writing this?
I have always been interested in knowing how things came about in ancient times. I come from India, where there are many oral traditions, writings and places linked to ancient history. And so, my initial interests where related to India. Reading about ancient history was a hobby. I have found interesting theories about our origins and spread through out the earth in many sources. And, I gathered more knowledge on these while visiting many other parts of the world.
I live in Newfoundland, Canada now. This place offers a lot of evidence about earth’s early days which fascinates me. Since I am retired now, I found more time to delve into some more details and to visit some of the captivating places. My husband likes taking photos and these pictures are mostly from his collection.
These are some of my perspectives on the unique features of Newfoundland. This island has its own time zone!!! I plan to write on its origins, geology, history, landscapes, interesting places and much more. I am not an expert on any of these topics or in blogging, but just a person interested in knowing more. And so this is a work in progress.
In the picture above is Harley, our family dog. He is a Newfy-doodle, a mix of Newfoundland and poodle breeds and he loves snow.
These are some views of Newfoundland during different seasons.

Here are some links to more posts
Reflections on Newfoundland: Narratives
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